Many signs have spent decades exposed to the elements, buried by the roadside or abandoned in a dusty shed, so it’s no surprise they can end up looking worse for wear.
But while a little weathering is part of their charm, it can sometimes leave the vibrant artwork hidden beneath a layer of dirt and grime. Not to worry – all it takes is a quick wash to restore the colours to their former glory.
What to avoid
Enamel signs are hardy, but they’re not indestructible. To ensure that you don’t cause any undue damage to your sign, there are a few things you should avoid.
Avoid harsh cleaners
Avoid using strong cleaning products, such as anything containing bleach or ammonia. Also, keep anything highly acidic or corrosive away from your signs. These substances can easily cause damage or discolouration, eating into the enamel, paint or metal and robbing your sign of both its appearance and value.

Avoid abrasive or coarse scrubbing tools
Be cautious when choosing cleaning tools. Coarse brushes, scrubbing pads or steel wool can accidentally scratch the surface of porcelain enamel.
Stay away from things like metal or wire brushes and coarse scouring pads. Instead, use a cloth or soft brush. You can use steel wool, but only the very finest grades – anything coarser and you risk leaving unsightly scratch marks. Gently does it.

Cleaning vs restoration
Restoring a sign can substantially reduce its value as a collectible and, for some collectors, there’s a very fine line between cleaning and restoration. If you’re thinking of cleaning up a sign for resale, consider consulting an expert or professional before you accidentally bring the value down.
Cleaning your signs
Genuine vintage signs have often been through a lot – harsh weather, dirt, vandalism and even the occasional war. Thankfully, their sturdy construction makes them not only durable, but easy to clean.
Cleaning an enamel sign is not too different from cleaning a solid surface benchtop, but it can require patience as you may have to go over it several times.
Here’s what you’ll need, and the steps involved in cleaning your signs:
What you’ll need
- A mild general purpose cleaning product, such as dish-washing soap
- Warm water
- A soft cloth, soft brush, or very fine steel wool
Cleaning steps
- Mix some cleaning product with a bit of warm water in a basin or spray the mixture directly onto the sign.
- Dampen your cloth/brush/steel wool and very gently wipe the surface of the sign. Let the cleaner do the heavy lifting – use only a very light touch to dislodge any dirt without harming the sign underneath.
- Repeat as needed until the dirt and grime are gone.
- Rinse the sign with clean water and completely dry it with a soft cloth to prevent streaks.
If anything tougher has adhered to your sign, such as spots of concrete or general gunk, you might have to very carefully use a scraper to dislodge it.
Once your sign is completely clean, you can also consider using polish to give your sign that extra shine.
That’s all it takes to bring those vibrant colours back to life.